Beto O’Rourke – now there is a pleasant thought

If your ‘re suffering from Trump fatigue, as I am today, here is an article from The Hill  and a youtube video which just might push thoughts of tear gas against toddlers out of your head for a few minutes. The article on Beto O’Rourke happens to promote the notion that he would be a great candidate for President in 2020. The election, of course, is two years from now and we are just getting our bearings from a hard fought and record setting election. (The largest winning margin ever between the two parties – over 8. 000,000..)

Still, right now, musing about Beto, irrespective of his becoming the Dem candidate helps to blot out the  latest tragic news of what is happening on our border,  Of course, there are over a dozen  people, besides Beto,  who are first rate, potential Dem contenders for the top job.You have seen the names  being bandied about – women, minorities, billionaires, former presidential contenders, former prosecutors, a whole passel of exceptional people.

Still, if you had the time to watch Beto in the run up to the Mid-Terms, he presented an image of such honesty and compassion that it just feels good to imagine a person with that kind of integrity sitting in the Oval Office. And what a contrast this image makes compared to the incompetent, malevolent human who occupies the position today. Beto engenders everything positive, that Trump does not. 

Beto is a masterful speaker. Devoid of notes and teleprompter, he can move around a stage in superb command of his positions. Am including his response to a question about black NFL football players taking a knee during the national anthem which appeared on youtube and had millions of views. 

Here it is:…1.0..0.155.657.0j5……0….1..gws-wiz…..6..0i67.uC-T0qplh4I

This brief  response as to why it was right that these athletes  took a kneww during the anthem to highlight the frequency of innocent black men killed by overzealous police  was like salve on an open wound.   LeBron James, the premier NBA star and one of a very few elite professional athletes who is highly regarded by millions of white Americans must have like it as well. He immediately began wearing a Beto cap, following Beto’s response.

The unsavory news spewing out of Washington about Trump’s financial ties to the Saudis, his efforts to prosecute Comey and Hilary and his persecution of the refugees in defiance of international law  is frankly sickening. I hope the switch to a good person like Bet O’Rourke brought you some warm feelings today.