Fake News for Lefties

In surfing around for more news about McConnell’s connection to Russian money, I reported yesterday that it was curious that the mainstream media appeared to be laying low on the issue. There WERE stories out  there on the internet but they were from websites that I had never heard of before. e.g. Palmer Report. Then this article popped up from The Atlantic.  
It discusses how fake news written for the eyes of the  American Left had begun to appear on the internet. in 2017. Some of these sites were fairly innocuous taking fact-based news and tinkering with the gist of the story just a bit to make it slightly more sensational. Then there were other sites which  edged closer to outright propaganda. 
Like a whack on the side of the head, this article below has chastened me. It had never occurred to me that there was fake news out there to entice the Left. (naive, right?) Just like the Right was vulnerable to the Russian messaging about Hillary in 2016, we Lefties are vulnerable too. Most of us maintain a voracious appetite for any evidence or tell tale piece of news which will help bring Trump and his cronies down. And because I am sending out news to all of you, I bear an even bigger responsibility to make sure that the news sent out passes the legitimacy test.
So no more scrounging for mini- smoking guns on the internet. If the five star journalists who do this for a living don’t think there is enough evidence yet to out McConnell, then we can just remain patient. It will come out in due time. McConnell, the mostly unflappable Majority Leaders seems to have lost at least a touch of his composure these days. And rightly so. McConnell is compromised. His greediness evident. His integrity shot. The voters in Kentucky will have the final word in 2020  whether his greediness outweighs his worthiness to sit in the United States Senate.

Are you a Dem Lefty  Dem Tactical Centrist or Dem Centrist?Kevin Drum, in one of his short commentaries in Mother Jones  today, discusses how quickly the Lefties has taken over the Democratic Party. He gives readers a brief historical perspective on the topic and parses out the sub-groups residing  within the Party. He points out that the universal health care derided and mocked in the .90’s as unworkable has morphed into a popular campaign plank for first tier Dem candidates.  It is an interesting read. Enjoy.